MatrixFileReader XOP

This project aimed at writing a C++ module for Igor Pro from WaveMetrics Inc. for importing proprietary measurement data.

The measurement data of an ultra-high vacuum scanning tunnelling microscope from Scienta Omicron can only be accessed through a vendor C++ library called Vernissage.

The developed MatrixFileReader XOP not only serves as interface layer between Igor Pro and the vendor library but also performs:

  • Conversion from raw DAC values to physical quantities (nm, A, etc.)
  • Scan direction assignment of the data, derived from different measurement parameters
  • Access to all meta data of the measurement
  • Easy and fast access to new measurement data

The development of the XOP is continued under a FLOSS-License. Details can be found at Github.

A comprehensive suite of regression and unit tests ensures the correct behaviour of this crucial part of laboratory equipment.